One of the current crop of "nosql" databases. (tags: architecture scaling database)
Front-end ways to make web sites faster (or appear to be faster) (tags: web2.0 webservices architecture programming)
Nice overview of scaling issues for database, both relational and non-relational (tags: database architecture scaling)
A scalable distributed compute framework used at LiveJournal/SixApart (tags: programming database architecture scaling)
Handy reference, particularly to some of the useful terse syntax, such as how to use the underscore symbol. (tags: scala reference programming code)
Another twist on generating palettes by gong from search-term to images to a palette. (tags: photo tool graphics webservices webpageprinting design)
Color analysis of an image. (tags: photo tool graphics webservices webpageprinting design)
Yet another image-to-palette tool. (tags: photo tool graphics webservices webpageprinting design)
Another tool fro extracting palettes from images. (tags: photo tool graphics webservices webpageprinting design)
Generate color palette from an image or a website. (tags: photo tool graphics webservices webpageprinting)
One theory of what determines pleasing combinations of colors. (tags: design graphics webpageprinting)
An algorithm to determine the palette of an image. (tags: programming design code flash imaging graphics webpageprinting)
A service for extracting a color palette from an image. (tags: imaging graphics webservices webpageprinting)