Very useful set of font stacks that can be copied-and pasted into your CSS. This allows for good-looking typography on your web sites, for users who have good font support, while still making the site work for everyone. (tags: reference design code web css)
Guidelines for margin sizes for books. (tags: layout webpageprinting)
Very nice way to do python unit tests, as long as you avoid its siren call to be non-Agile. It is very different in philosophy from Beck's Unit style of unit tests framework. I like that it ensures the docstrings are up-to date with the code. The main drawback, it seems to me, from an Agile point of view is that it encourages you to copy-paste the result of a test run into the doc string. That is bad. You should write down your expected results before* you run the test. So resist the urge to copy-paste the results of the test run into the doc string. (tags: python programming)
Some more guidelines in page layout, (tags: design guide layout webpageprinting)
Some basic rules for print design. (tags: design layout webpageprinting)
Worked through math of laying out a complex grid for print design layout (tags: graphics tutorial design layout webpageprinting)
Tips for page layout (tags: webpageprinting layout)